11 Easy Changes to Minimize Your Environmental Footprint

Rethink, reduce, reuse, recycle - it’s a common mantra most of us have heard at least once. Here are a few ways to put it into practice at home.

  1. Watch the tap. Freshwater resources are limited so try keeping showers short and don’t keep the tap running unnecessarily. When it comes to laundry, do full loads and select the appropriate load size to maximize efficiency.
  2. Speaking of laundry, consider air drying smaller items like clothing and undergarments to reduce energy consumption.
  3. Keep it cool. It’s tempting to crank the heat, especially on cool autumn nights. Instead, consider investing in a thin wool sweater and a pair of cozy socks to keep warm.
  4. Unplug. Appliances draw energy even when they’re not in use. Make it a habit to unplug chargers, fans, blenders, blow dryers and anything else that doesn’t need to be on 24/7.
  5. Ditch the plastic. Opt for reusable totes for grocery shopping and try to minimize purchasing items in single-use containers. Keep a few cloth bags handy for vegetables and fruits.
  6. Most Canadians are lucky to have great quality drinking water straight from the tap, so ditch the bottled water as well.
  7. Recycle your electronics. You can recycle old computers, cellular devices, TV, non-cellular telephones, etc. There are over 2,300 Recycle My Electronics authorized collection locations across Canada.
  8. Grocery stores that let you bring your own jars and bags are popping up across the country. If you don’t live close to one just yet, visit the bulk section of your shop for items with a long shelf life like flour, beans and nuts.
  9. Love to order in? Consider restaurants that use biodegradable containers or bring your own. If packing a lunch is not your forte, many lunch spots are happy to accommodate reusable containers as well.
  10. Buy used whenever possible. Thrift shops, garage sales and consignment stores are full of clothing, furnishings and books that still have plenty of life in them. Next time you’re looking to spruce up your wardrobe or home decor, head there first.
  11. Giveaway instead of throwing away need. Rather than throwing away items you no longer need, such as furniture, clothes and books, why not give them to those who need them? It’s a gesture of goodwill y that also avoids waste.


Reset: https://en.reset.org/act/reduce-your-ecological-footprint-0
Homes to love: https://www.homestolove.com.au/15-tips-to-reduce-your-ecological-footprint-at-home-3369


The content in this article is for information purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as professional or expert advice.