Celebrating our Charged for Change Communities: Town of Pelham, Ontario implements EV Charging Stations

A gently turning path between two rows of trees in an idyllic apple orchard.

Building a better tomorrow, together with Earth Day Canada, Aviva Canada is taking action on climate change and helping to build stronger, more resilient communities by investing in public charging stations for electric cars. Charged for Change is a program that funds public electric vehicle (EV) charging installations in communities across Canada with limited or no access to EV infrastructure. Join us as we celebrate the unique stories of our Charged for Change communities, in the Town of Pelham, Ontario, as they transition toward electric mobility.

Pelham, Ontario, Canada - 43°02′N 79°20′W

From 75,000 to 11,000 years ago, the Wisconsin Glacier clawed over the area now known as the Niagara Region, gouging veins and creating massive gaps in the landscape. As the giant, 3km deep sheet of ice scraped along the land, it shaped the hilly topography and the glacier’s meltwater filled the network of gaps to create the rivers and Great Lakes. During this process, the Fonthill Kame was created, and it continues to stand as the highest point in the Town of Pelham. Today, Pelham and the surrounding area are recognized as the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples.

Evolution from revolution

Following the American Revolutionary War in the mid-1780s, settlers to the area which included British Loyalists and Quakers, established the first permanent European settlement in Pelham. Creating a new community and society, by 1817, the township was home to 776 citizens and featured a Quaker church, five schools, three grist mills, and five sawmills…and in case you were wondering, Pelham was home to 1,750 sheep in 18851.

The town today

In 1970, the historic villages of Effingham, Fenwick, Fonthill, North Pelham, and Ridgeville joined to establish the Town of Pelham. Today, you’ll discover a growing community with both urban and rural areas, that showcases rich agriculture, picturesque landscapes, interconnected trails and cycling routes.

Pelham’s oldest living inhabitant

When Michelangelo was painting the heavens on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, there was a very young maple tree in Pelham, Ontario. The Comfort Maple, named after the Comfort family who owned the land the tree resides on in the 19th and 20th centuries, is speculated by the Ontario Forestry Association to be nearly 550 years old2. Standing at 100 feet tall, the oldest sugar maple tree in Canada is reason enough to make a stop in beautiful Pelham.

Take in more fun in Pelham with community events and festivals

Party in the Park – Celebrate on July 1 with a parade, free family activities, and local entertainers.

Pelham Summerfest—Each year, the third weekend in July transforms the downtown of Fonthill into a four-day festival filled with music, entertainment, children’s activities, retail and food vendors, arts and crafts, and a car show. This year come and “chill on the hill” from July 18-21, 2024

Summer Chill Series – Every Thursday from June 13th to September 5th, 2024 take in the small town community charm of the farmers market, supper market and live entertainment courtesy of the Fonthill Bandshell.

EV Public Charging Stations Charged for Change

A Charged for Change electric vehicle charging station located in Pelham, Ontario. Photo courtesy of the Town of Pelham
A Charged for Change electric vehicle charging station located in Pelham, Ontario. Photo courtesy of the Town of Pelham.

We’re thrilled to have been welcomed to the Town of Pelham to fund the installation of EV charging stations, allowing climate-conscious drivers to charge their vehicles in the beautiful Town of Pelham.

Stay tuned for our next EV journey to another Charged for Change municipality, the County of Prince Edward. Visit Charged for Change: Bringing electric vehicle charging infrastructure to your community to learn more.

Exploring Niagara | Early Townships| Pelham Township

2 Comfort Maple | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (npca.ca)

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