Follow the wave of the QMA and help protect the environment

It’s normal to see more and more recreational water enthusiasts out on the water. What's more enjoyable than a short boat or a personal watercraft ride on a warm and sunny summer day. But, we don’t think  that this traffic can have an impact on the fauna and flora, the quality of the water, as well as  the shorelines.

Big waves created by pleasure craft can travel more than 300 meters. When they break on the shores, they damage the land, creating erosion and weakening ecosystems. Studies have even shown that boating creates waves with greater erosion potential than those caused by wind.  Infact, it takes a wind of 72 km/h to generate waves of the same magnitude as those produced by a motorized boat. 

Over the years, some municipalities have adopted a Policy for the Management of Uses and Public Access to Waterbodies, which includes an Environmental Code and Nautical Courtesy. This policy is intended to protect shorelines, the seabed, water quality and the environment, but also to ensure the safety of swimmers and boaters.

The Quebec Maritime Association (QMA) is fully aware of environmental issues. For several years now, it has played an important role in the defense of the environment. For example, the eco-marina program is a certification attesting to environmentally-friendly management practices for marinas launched in 2007.

This year, the QMA, in partnership with several organizations, launched the Follow the Wave promotional campaign, which invites boaters to be cautious and follow some basic rules of ethics.


Follow the wave. It's just a matter of common sense if we want to preserve our environment and continue to enjoy the water!



Magazine La maison du 21e siècle (in French only) : https://maisonsaine.ca/eau-et-environnement/navigation-sur-les-plans-deau-des-actions-avant-de-reglementer.html

Environmental protection: https://eponline.com/Articles/2017/03/27/The-Environmental-Impacts-of-Boating.aspx

Marinfo: http://www.marinfo.gc.ca/Doc/Erosion/Erosion_des_berges_En.pdf


The content in this article is for information purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as professional or expert advice.