Snow falls – exhilaration rises

A group of snowmobilers stopping for a break from the trails and checking their planned route.

Snowmobile prep for the upcoming winter season

The call of the wild times on the trails is poised to give you a shout out. But before you listen to that call, you’ll want to be sled-ready for the season. Here are a few tips from experts1 that’ll help you get your snowmobile ready to shred some snow.

1. Inspect and clean your snowmobile

Start with a thorough cleaning. Remove any dirt, dust, or grease that may have accumulated during storage. This not only makes your snowmobile look good but also helps you spot any potential issues.

2. Check the fuel System

If you didn’t use a fuel stabilizer before storing your snowmobile, drain the old fuel and replace it with fresh, non-ethanol premium fuel. Inspect the fuel lines and tank for any cracks or leaks.

3. Examine the spark plugs

Remove and inspect the spark plugs. Replace any that are dirty or worn out. Properly functioning spark plugs are essential for a smooth start and efficient performance.

4. Inspect the clutches and drive belt

Check the clutches for wear and tear. Clean any belt dust or rubber accumulation from the clutch sheaves. Inspect the drive belt for cracks or fraying and replace it if necessary.

5. Check the suspension and track

Inspect the suspension components, including the sliders, idler wheels, and hyfax. Look for any signs of wear and replace parts as needed. Adjust the track tension according to your owner’s manual.

6. Test the electrical system

Ensure all electrical components are working correctly. Check the ignition, headlights, and brake lights. Replace any burnt-out bulbs and inspect the wiring for any damage.

7. Change the oil and filter

For four-stroke engines, change the oil and filter if you didn’t do it in the spring. For two-stroke engines, top off the oil reservoir with a high-quality oil that has excellent cold-flow properties.

8. Inspect the carbides and skis

Check the carbide runners on the skis for sharpness and damage. Replace them if they are worn out. Ensure the skis are aligned properly for optimal handling.

9. Check the chaincase oil

Change the chaincase oil if it hasn’t been done recently. Inspect the chain and gears for any signs of wear or rust.

10. Final touches

Before you hit the trails, let your snowmobile idle for a few minutes to burn off any fogging oil. Throttle up occasionally to raise the RPMs. This ensures everything is running smoothly and ready for your first ride.

By following these prep steps, you’ll ensure that your snowmobile is ready for a safe and enjoyable season. Happy riding!

For more information on snowmobile or ATV insurance, please visit


1 How to Prep Your Snowmobile for Winter: Expert Tips to Get Your Sled Ready - Supertrax Online (

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