Current Events: An update on EV infrastructure

An EV driver charging up an EV in a rural environment

Continuing our commitment to sustainability…and meaningful climate action…and all things EVs, our “Take Charge” series of stories include this installment and its companion articles “Maintaining your EV”, and “Tips for Driving EV in the Winter and Snow”.

An ear to the road

As more people adopt EV ownership, it’s always helpful to understand how infrastructure is keeping pace with the demands of the EV revolution. We already know that “The Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative (EVAFIDI) was launched by Natural Resources Canada in 2016” with a partial mandate to establish “a coast to coast network of EV fast-chargers along core routes and highways.” It’s important to stay of abreast of the news that impact the future of driving.

Power at the pumps

You might have seen the addition of EV chargers at some gas stations. It’s a logical spot to top up your EV, as we’re all so accustomed to gassing up at those locations. In recent news, Imperial Oil has struck a deal with Flo, a Quebec-based EV charging network company that “will see the two companies develop a charging service option for Imperial’s Esso and Mobil-branded wholesalers.” So if you haven’t yet seen an EV charger at a gas station, you soon will.

Powering the bigger picture

Infrastructure is more than just charging stations along the highway. Transitioning from internal combustions engines to battery-powered motors takes a concerted effort. Not only does it help minimize carbon pollutants in the atmosphere, but it also presents many opportunities for Canadians. Since, “January 2021, at least 10 different companies have announced $15.7 billion in total investments in Canada to make electric vehicles, the batteries that power them, or the minerals and materials that go into those batteries.” Furthermore, Clean Energy Canada suggests that “the industry will be supporting between 60,000 and 110,000 direct and indirect jobs and contributing between $12 billion and $19 billion to the national economy by 2030.”

Taking charge of change

In the coming years, the EV revolution will be in perpetual evolution. Just as cars had instigated dramatic economic and social changes a century ago, EVs represent a dramatic change in how we live and interact in the world in the next one. That’s why we’re committed to helping you stay ahead of the infrastructure curve. 

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