Is personal property covered under car insurance?

Smashed side quarter glass car window

You’re headed to work in the morning and walk outside to your car in the driveway. Next to your car, you see broken glass. Your laptop and sunglasses have been stolen. Are you covered?

Most car insurance policies typically will not cover items that are not a part of the vehicle itself (except as it relates to financial liability for bodily injury). Let’s look at a few scenarios like this and explain what car insurance covers and what it doesn’t, in terms of personal property.

What’s covered under your car insurance policy?

Given the scenario above, let's say you have a car insurance policy with comprehensive and collision or all perils coverage and a homeowners insurance policy.

The broken glass from your car would be covered by your car insurance and your personal belongings would most likely be covered under your homeowner’s insurance policy.

In another scenario, say you are driving your morning route to work when a driver rear-ends you, destroying the golf clubs you were going to use that afternoon when you left work. Depending on where your policy is based and where the loss occurs it’s possible the contents could fall under your property or your auto insurance policy. It’s important to talk to your insurance representative about the options available to you.

Using your car for business? Learn more about personal car insurance and business use.

Renting a car? Read more about personal car insurance and rental cars.

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