9 Tips for Getting Your Home Ready for Winter

As summer winds down, there are still a few weeks left to weatherproof your home before Old Man Winter arrives. Follow this checklist to keep your house safe and cozy throughout the season.

  1. Check for drafty windows and doors. If new windows are not in the cards, install weather stripping and seal window leaks with foam, felt or caulk.
  2. Add heavy duty drapes to windows and sliding doors. This is a low cost, simple way to keep warm air from escaping your home.
  3. Inspect the roof and clean the gutters. Dealing with a leaky roof in the cold is really unpleasant. Take the opportunity to squeeze in any potential repairs while the weather is still warm.
  4. Clean up the garden and prune trees and bushes. Check for loose or broken branches to minimize the risk of damage once they get loaded with snow.
  5. Shut off exterior faucets and drain hoses and sprinklers to prevent burst pipes. Hoses should be stored indoors to prevent cracking.
  6. Pack away tools, patio furniture and outdoor fixtures such as lights that won’t hold up well in the cold.
  7. Check smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms to ensure they are in good working order.
  8. If you use wood to heat your home, sweep the chimney to minimize the risk of a chimney fire. Don’t use your fireplace? Insulate it to keep the warm air from escaping.
  9. Last but not least, inspect the furnace or boiler. While the intervals differ based on make and model, an annual inspection is never a bad idea.


Centris.ca – Real estate blog: https://www.centris.ca/en/blog/tips-and-advice/is-your-house-ready-for-winter
Real simple: https://www.realsimple.com/home-organizing/home-improvement/maintenance-repairs/winter-ready-home


The content in this article is for information purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as professional or expert advice.