4 motorcycle insurance endorsements your customers should know about
A well-placed policy endorsement can mean the difference between a satisfying claims experience and a disappointing one. That’s especially true for motorcycle customers.
When the unexpected happens and their motorcycle needs to be repaired or replaced, some riders are surprised that the value of their upgrades, accessories and gear isn’t reflected in their claim payout. They may not be aware that there are additional coverage options available specifically for motorcycle owners.
“It’s so important to have the right endorsements on your policy to make sure that the things you value most are protected,” said Ryan Vellenga, an Aviva claims adjuster who specializes in motorcycles.
In this article, he shares four real-life claims situations that demonstrate just how valuable Aviva’s RideLife motorcycle endorsements can be.
1. Vacation Expense endorsement
Looking to have some extended fun on the road, a customer set out on his motorcycle for a trip to the U.S. Halfway to his destination, he was in a single-vehicle accident that damaged the motorcycle.
He was able to find a local shop to make the necessary repairs, but it would take two days. Fortunately, the customer was able to take advantage of his policy’s Vacation Expense endorsement, which provides $2,000 for necessities if a motorcycle becomes inoperable from a covered loss more than 100km from home.
“Thanks to this endorsement, we set him up with accommodations, food and personal supplies since he didn’t have anything with him to stay in area for the duration of the repairs,” said Vellenga.
2. Waiver of Depreciation endorsement
Another customer was devastated when the building where he stored his motorcycle caught fire and his prized possession was destroyed.
“In this case, the motorcycle was written off as a total loss. The customer’s actual cash value limit was $24,000 but, because he had the Waiver of Depreciation endorsement, he was able to get back his original purchase price of $32,000,” said Vellenga.
3. Personal Effects Usual to a Motorcycle (aka Riding Gear) endorsement
When a customer was thrown off his motorcycle in a single-vehicle collision, his custom airbag vest may have helped save his life. However, his regular insurance coverage didn’t cover his gear.
“Normally, we need a ‘third party at fault’ assessment for the loss to assist with any gear or contents. In this case, since the customer had the Riding Gear endorsement, his custom vest and gloves were covered,” said Vellenga.
“It’s something that not a lot of riders take advantage of and it’s a huge miss.”
This endorsement includes $2,500 per occurrence with no deductible.
4. Accessories and equipment endorsement
When a motorcycle is determined to be a total loss, the customer typically receives the actual cash value in keeping with the current market. But if they have an Accessories and Equipment endorsement, adjustors can take into consideration any upgrades and modifications they’ve invested in.
This was the situation for a customer who’d added handlebars, saddlebags and a custom exhaust. None of these additions increased the value of the bike, but they were important investments for the motorcyclist.
“This endorsement covers damage to additional accessories and equipment. We were able to protect this customer’s investments into the additions he’d made to his motorcycle over time,” said Vellenga.
Do your motorcycle customers know about the optional RideLife endorsements that are available to them? This is the right season to touch base and share the value of these add-ons that can make a big difference if they need to make a claim.
These endorsement/coverage options are not available in all Provinces. If you have any questions, please contact your Broker Operations Specialist or your Broker Relationship Manager.
Aviva and the Aviva logo are trademarks used under license from the licensor. Insurance products are underwritten by insurers in the Aviva Canada group of insurance companies, which are subsidiaries of Aviva Canada Inc. The content in this article is for information purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as professional or expert advice. For specific information about a product, or exact terms, conditions, coverage definitions, exclusions and limitations, please refer to the customer’s insurance policy wording or the latest underwriting manual on avivapartner.ca. Product availability varies by province.