Holiday safety at home

A busy and bustling home full of friends, family, joy and merriment can make it easy to forget about personal safety and potential hazards. Stay safe this holiday season by following these tips.


  1. Be mindful of what’s happening in the kitchen. If cooking is an all-day affair, make a point to clean as you go, wiping up any grease and oil spills quickly so you don’t end up with a grease fire. Place pots and pans with handles turned toward the back of the stove to minimize the risk of knocking them off, especially if there are curious children in the house. Keep oven mitts, parchment paper and plastic containers away from heating elements.
  2. Watch and manage tripping hazards such as electrical cords, bags, and excess shoes. For the latter, placing an empty plastic bin near the entrance is an easy short-term solution. Outside, make sure walkways are well lit, clear and salted regularly as frost builds up in the evening and overnight.
  3. Mobile phone device chargers can spark and cause burns. If hosting a large group of people, set up a charging station with a power bar in a central location and make sure to unplug it when not in use.
  4. Keep your live Christmas tree well hydrated. Overheated holiday lights, frayed wiring or a sparking outlet can turn a dry tree into a 10-foot inferno in a matter of seconds. To minimize upkeep, buy your tree as close to Christmas as possible.
  5. Speaking of frayed wires, make sure to thoroughly inspect any electrical components such as holiday lights, decorations, and extension cords for signs of damage and replace as necessary. Use equipment appropriate for its application, like outdoor extension cords for any outdoor displays. Read more about holiday light safety.
  6. Keep exits clear. In case of an emergency, you don’t want to be slowed down by packages, luggage or other unnecessary impediments. Make sure there’s an easy way to escape in case anything goes wrong. If you have a patio at the rear of the house, make sure to clear the snow from it so that it gives you a second way to exit the house.



National Safety Council – Enjoy a Safe Holiday Season


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